It's finally time! Gone are the years of school where every day was a drag. It’s time for you to move on to the next chapter of your life.
To go to university you need to pick a major (and sometimes and minor too). We have outlined six unique ways to help you figure out your university major.
Assess your strengths and weaknesses
Get a pen and piece of paper and write down a list of interests and also make a list of things you feel like you aren’t the best at and would rather avoid. This write here really wanted to be a doctor, but the skills gap was just too unrealistic so I had to make a tough call, but hey its for the best.
Figure out your long-term goals
What do you want to do with your life? Who do you want to be? How should people remember you? These are all things you need to consider when assessing your long term career goals. Are you motivated by money? You may want to check out some of these majors Are you motivated by helping people? You should consider psychology or medicine. Are you more very creative with a dash of interest in technology? Marketing might be for you. Or are you good with numbers, maybe even with some interest in the natural order? You may want to consider being a physicist or an accountant (They aren’t THATTT boring).
Use online tools to discover interests
it's a good time to be alive. Students have a plethora of options when it comes to free online tools to learn more about any given aspect. Students can use Youtube, Udemy, Skillshare or Khan academy to gain basic knowledge on various topics to judge what sparks their interest and how they foresee their careers ending up.
Use platforms such as Vutor to further develop hobbies and interests in specialized fields
If you’re looking for more than base-level knowledge on the topics you choose to explore, be sure to check out Vutor where we can help you learn about many different subjects that you may have never even considered viable. I mean who dreams of one day growing up to become the worlds leading innovator in sustainable packaging? it just seems so absurd and out of reach. Vutor uses industry professionals and qualified students to let you in on the area you wish to explore and give you tips on best to reach your goals within these fields whilst learning about them from hands-on experts.
Meet one of our tutors below.
University is an option
if any of this feels overwhelming don’t worry! Make sure to first assess if a university is right for you. There is no denying the importance of education, however, with the advent of skill-based and online education programs which offer top quality standards, university just might not be for you. Education is not a choice, being a lifelong learner is essential for us all, however, the path you take to acquire it can vary and depends on YOU, so explore all options.
Take your time
When deciding a college major it's important to take your time. This is a big decision, you want to make sure its a well thought out one. Be honest with yourself, take some time off if you feel like you need to, but make sure to enter university refreshed, impassioned and ready to conquer any challenges.