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Vutor Dubai

Benefits of Online Tutoring

Technology has changed the way we experience schooling forever. The invention of computers, and the internet thankfully changed the way we communicate to students. With this 21st century transformation came online tutoring. The convenience and accessibility of online tutoring bring a multitude of reasons why parents shift to online tutoring platforms.

Learn things you can’t learn in school

While formal education is important, we have to face the fact that there are simply some things that school just doesn’t teach you, tutoring platforms such as Vutor allow you to explore your interests and learn gain information on topics such as Taxes, Money Management and Family Planning. By efficiently managing your time you can learn a number of essential skills that will help you in the future. The main aim of Vutor is to help you “Find your Passion” and by offering programs that are not commonly offered in school curriculum, Vutor can help you explore your interests and increase your employability.

Real time interactions

Most online tutoring platforms such as Vutor or TeachMeNow follow synchronous tutoring which allows real time interactions between the student and tutor using video, audio or texting as a platform. This places students in the driver’s seat allowing them to steer the session towards areas that they are most interested in or have the face greater difficulty to grasp. This personal touch is what is missed in traditional classroom education. With online tutoring, students receive individualized attention which can help fast track their education and growth.

You have the comfort of your own home

Working in a space that is familiar to you can help increase productivity while still feeling relaxed in your own private environment. This can make a major difference if your child is shy or has a more introverted personality since they won’t have to worry about a new face invading their personal space. Being in a familiar and comfortable setting will help the student stay in the right frame of mind while trying to learn concepts that can be particularly challenging. This casual environment takes away from the ‘school’ setting that students are conditioned to feel bored and tired in, students will also feel more comfortable asking questions online than in class

No geographical constraints

Are you struggling to find good tutors in your area? Does your child have to travel a mile and a half to reach his or her tutor? Well fear no more! With online tutoring you can get professionally trained and credible tutors from all around the world. The days of searching high and low for a tutor are long gone. Hop on the online tutoring train to help your child learn better.

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