In today’s time education is very important in leading a productive and successful life. However, school is not the only type of learning you can do. When it comes to learning, we are filled with opportunities to acquire knowledge and improve our key skills. To maximize your potential in finding a better, more motivating job in your career, it is important to capitalize on your strengths.
Learning occurs naturally. Surely when you were a baby you did not go to school or watch videos to learn how to walk or eat. Lifelong learning is a self-motivated and voluntary action that occurs in the pursuit of knowledge.
The following habits can be adopted to help you stay diligent, motivated and help identify new ways in which you can grow and develop:
1. Reading – Lifelong learners love to read and, now with the development of society, there are a multitude of resources in which you can access the game changing books. The benefits of reading are endless besides boosting your vocabulary, reading can help improve muscle memory, and melt away stress, and improve your mindset as a whole. Some of our top recommendations are Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential by Barbara Oakley, The Secret by Rhonda Byrne and All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr.
2. Keep a list of things you want to explore – Next Saturday instead of lazing around on the couch pick up a pen and paper and note down everything you wish to learn. Here at Vutor we have a wide range of programs that you can choose from. Maybe you want to improve your mandarin speaking skills or finally learn how to use Photoshop? Always try to stay alert of the different growth opportunities that come your way.
3. Find new ways to learn – Formal education while important still restricts the methods we use to learn. Try joining a programming group to learn new software’s or speaking to native speaker to improve your language skills. Its good to try out many methods so that you can evaluate which works best for you.
4. Set goals – Goal setting helps you visualize your future ideal self which can act as inspiration and a self-motivator to achieve the set goals. This helps you plan and organize your time to efficiently gain knowledge as you are more aware of your actions and efforts.
5. Acknowledge your learning style – After experimenting with different learning styles, it is essential to evaluate which method works best to achieve your goals. So next time you try to learn something new, assess whether you work better with pictures, verbal talks or physical speech. Keep in mind that some learning styles may work better for certain topics so do not restrict yourself to one style completely.
Lifelong learning is a great action that brings back even greater rewards. We gain a better understanding of ourselves and the situations in which we work well. In addition to improving your work ethic, lifelong learning can boost your self-esteem to lead a better life.